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ZZ4-52095 Rare PA Redware pottery. Lope handle pot, sgraffito fully incised floral decoration. Some glaze loss. Early 19th century. 6 1/2"H x 9"L x 7"W.


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Z-10269x Rare PA Redware pottery jar. Small unusual form, neat green slip decoration. Berks Co.. 5 1/2"H x 5"W.


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ZZZ-49726 Rare Redware pottery double handled loving mug. Molded relief, child figures, possibly by Swope or Gast's. Lancaster Co., PA. 5"Hx 7 1/2"W.


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ZZZ-39765 Rare PA Redware pottery. Miniature tea lot. Childs or sample. Two teapots, a pitcher, two cup and saucer. A saucer ship. Mid to 3rd quarter 19th century. Probably Berks Co..


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ZZZ-48409 PA Redware pottery penny bank. Bold yellow slip decoration. Mint condition. 5"H x 4"L


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ZZ4-53169 Rare ovoid miniature Redware handled jug, manganese slip, detailed double floral vine decoration. VA or eastern TN. 31/2" x 4"H


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ZZ4-52121 PA Redware pottery figured of a recumbent lion. 19th century. Old base chip. 41/2"H x 8 1/2"L x 3"W


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ZZ4-52462 PA Redware pottery ovoid jar. Yellow slip, tulips. Base chips and some wear. 8" x 7"


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ZZ1-37697 Rare Redware pottery open handle vase. Molded relief, trees decoration, signed Anthony Wise Backer 1887. Handled restored. 6"H x 7"W


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ZZ4-22701 Rare Redware pottery pitcher. Overall yellow slip, copper and manganese decoration, stamped Bell. Rim and glaze wear. 61/2"H x 6"W


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ZZ4-53474 PA Redware pottery harvest ring flask. 19th century.



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30-20280 PA Redware pottery plate. Manganese profile of a bird in flight. 1 1/4"H x 8"W.


ZZ3-51392 Unusual Redware pottery bulbous pitcher. Rare manganese brush flower decoration, probably Ohio. Some rim wear. 8"H x 7"W
ZZ4-52221 Rare small PA Redware figural bust portrait, probably G. Washington. 19th century. 2 3/4"H x 3"L x 2"W
ZZZ-40073 Rare 14" Redware pottery charger. Highly decorated yellow slip, ten commandments script, probably Smith Pottery. Norwalk, CT. 2nd quarter 19th century.
27-16917x 11" Redware pottery plate. Unusual graphic yellow slip decoration, PA. Minor loss.
ZZ4-52637 8" PA Redware pottery plate. Yellow slip, T.L. White 1852. Chips.
PA Redware small pottery plate. Yellow slip, flag design. Fine Condition. 5"
19-34740, Unusual yelloware figural teapot, a Tobyman's head. Shell cap lid. Pro. English. 19th century.
222-39203, Signed John Bell Waynesboro, PA Redware pottery jar. Vase base chip.
18-31463, Redware Pottery plate. Singer Pottery family, green and yellow slip decoration, unused condition.
13-22876, Rare 10 1/2" PA Redware pottery plate. Graphic yellow slip, tree stump and fence decoration. Ex Himmelreich. Some loss.
200-35941, Rare Stoneware-Redware pottery straight sided pitcher with a cover. Overall yellow slip with brown and blue splash decoration, Berks Co., PA.
26-26264, Redware pottery handled pitcher, signed John Bell, brown Manganese, damage to lid, pitcher fine.
200-35515, PA Redware Pottery Jar, rare folky manganese decoration tree, crude flowers.
25-11547, Rare form PA Redware sleigh penny bank, initials "S.M." in heart.
28-17489, Redware pottery ink or pip stand, a bird figure on mound, PA or Ohio, later 19th c, minor loss, 6 1/2" H. $1,295
28-17489, Redware pottery ink or pip stand, a bird figure on mound, PA or Ohio, later 19th c, minor loss, 6 1/2" H.
200-35742 Pennsylvania Redware Pottery Sgraffito Plate, bird on branch and foliage, attributed to Jacob Medinger.
21-9712, PA Redware pie plate with black circular decoration, chip.
22-4549x, Exceptional PA Redware pottery handled mug, yellow slip red and green decoration. Early 19th century, 3"H. $3,800
22-4549x, Exceptional PA Redware pottery handled mug, yellow slip red and green decoration. Early 19th century, 3"H.
31-20868, Rare Folk Art Redware Pottery hot plate, trivet inscribed pie, unglazed piece of pie, balance yellow slip and green decorated.
18-31725, PA Redware Pottery plate, two color, yellow and brown decoration.
16-27767, PA Redware Pottery octagonal plate, molded relief flower, yellow slip decoration, rim wear. Mid 19th century.
2-10659, Rare PA Redware Pottery plate with yellow slip decoration, unused condition.
27-17343, PA Redware Pottery plate, yellow and green slip decoration.
28-18469x, Redware Pottery charger, yellow slip, rare script "Union" double slip, PA or North Jersey. Mid 19th century to 3rd quarter, 12 3/4".
31-22286, PA Redware Pottery plate, rare yellow slip, bird in flight decoration, rim chips.
16-27234, Neat rare color and form, small size signed "John Bell" butter tub, overall yellow slip and brown manganese, hairline.
18-32184, 12" PA Redware plate with yellow slip decoration, good color and condition. $900
18-32184, 12" PA Redware plate with yellow slip decoration, good color and condition.
15-25470, PA Redware pottery whimsical figure with cigar. $2,650
15-25470, PA Redware pottery whimsical figure with cigar.
30-21514x, Redware figural bird whistle, good color, dark manganese decoration, PA or NJ, Mint, late19th early 20th century. $1,495
30-21514x, Redware figural bird whistle, good color, dark manganese decoration, PA or NJ, Mint, late19th early 20th century.
26-14357, PA Redware pottery figural bird whistle, Attr. to C. Shutter, bill repair. $5,950
26-14357, PA Redware pottery figural bird whistle, Attr. to C. Shutter, bill repair.
31-23071, PA Redware pottery figural fish flask, good detail, 1850-75. $6,500
31-23071, PA Redware pottery figural fish flask, good detail, 1850-75.
30-21980, Rare folky Pennsylvania Redware pottery whistle. A figural fox head, black manganese decoration, circa 1860-80's.
19-34729 Rare small Pennsylvania Redware pottery penny bank figural jug, dark manganese glaze, fine condition, 19th Century.
19-33238, Rare and unusual Redware Pottery butter print, floral impressed design, Pro. PA. 19th Century.
28-18503, Rare Redware pottery loaf dish, marbleized slip decoration yellow, brown, green. pro. Conn.
26-13867x, Rare PA Redware pottery colander full yellow slip decorated, applied handles, some loss, 13" Diameter by 5 1/2" H. $3,250
26-13867x, Rare PA Redware pottery colander full yellow slip decorated, applied handles, some loss, 13" Diameter by 5 1/2" H.
31-20555, Rare PA redware miniature oviod jug, having a grey, greenish maganese decoration. $2,950
31-20555, Rare PA redware miniature ovoid jug, having a grey, greenish manganese decoration.
15-25009, PA Redware penny bank, profile of George Washington, 2 tone glaze. $8,500
15-25009, PA Redware penny bank, profile of George Washington, 2 tone glaze.
30-20247, Rare PA redware figural penny bank, indian behind tree stump, yellow and blue slip. $8,500
30-20247, Rare PA redware figural penny bank, indian behind tree stump, yellow and blue slip.
30-20237, Miniature PA redware pottery teapot, black manganese splash decoration, mid 19th century. $2,950
30-20237, Miniature PA redware pottery teapot, black manganese splash decoration, mid 19th century.
21-8511x, 6 1/2" redware plate 2 color slip decoration, Berks Co., PA. $1,950
21-8511x, 6 1/2" redware plate 2 color slip decoration, Berks Co., PA.
25-12154,Folk art figure of a squirrel attr. to Zorb, Hanover twp. York Co., PA. $4,400
25-12154,Folk art figure of a squirrel attr. to Zorb, Hanover twp. York Co., PA.
14-23304, Miniature PA redware teapot with cover, Nese Moul family, lid glued. $1,850
14-23304, Miniature PA redware teapot with cover, Nese Moul family, lid glued.
24-10617, PA Redware ovoid jar, rare three color slip floral decoration, some loses. $5,950
24-10617, PA Redware ovoid jar, rare three color slip floral decoration, some loses.
12-21185, Rare Redware pottery figural whimsey profile of a monkey with leaf hat manganese glaze, American 1850-75, Probably PA. 6" H. $2,950
12-21185, Rare Redware pottery figural whimsey profile of a monkey with leaf hat manganese glaze, American 1850-75, Probably PA. 6" H.
15-24986, Unusual Redware pottery molded profile bust of William McKinley, Attr. to the brick pottery Scranton PA. $
15-24986, Unusual Redware pottery molded profile bust of William McKinley, Attr. to the brick pottery Scranton PA.
25-13247, Rare form Pennsylvania Redware pepper pot. Orange glaze with some splash decoration.
200-36176 Pennsylvania Redware Pottery bean pitcher with cover, good color, red ground, black manganese splash glaze, fine condition.
25-12825x, Rare Redware handled syrup pitcher with saucer base, manganese decorated, Pro. New England, 7" H. $1,450
25-12825x, Rare Redware handled syrup pitcher with saucer base, manganese decorated, Pro. New England, 7" H.
26-14506, PA redware plate unusual green and black slip decoration, good condition. $2,750
26-14506, PA redware plate unusual green and black slip decoration, good condition.
PA redware jar rare 3 color slip tulip and flower decoration, early to mid 19th century. $9,500
PA redware jar rare 3 color slip tulip and flower decoration, early to mid 19th century.
25-11164, PA Redware pottery figural bird whistle, fat bodied, mid to 3rd quarter 19th century. $3,450
25-11164, PA Redware pottery figural bird whistle, fat bodied, mid to 3rd quarter 19th century.
26-13946x, PA Redware plate, bold yellow and green slip decoration, hairline. $1,950
26-13946x, PA Redware plate, bold yellow and green slip decoration, hairline.
30-20290, Redware handled presentation jug incised William Reid Heath Grove Farm 1847. 6 1/2 ' high. $3,250
30-20290, Redware handled presentation jug incised William Reid Heath Grove Farm 1847. 6 1/2 ' high.
16-26692, Rare PA redware jar 3 color slip tulip and flower decoration, early 19th century. $7,500
16-26692, Rare PA redware jar 3 color slip tulip and flower decoration, early 19th century.
15-25471, Rare Redware pottery sugar bowl with cover, applied foliage and leaf, beaded base, black manganese glaze, probably PA. $1,695
15-25471, Rare Redware pottery sugar bowl with cover, applied foliage and leaf, beaded base, black manganese glaze, probably PA.
15-25340, PA Redware pottery figural of a seated cat manganese splash and yellow slip eyes, rare form, ear wear, 4"H. $1,950
15-25340, PA Redware pottery figural of a seated cat manganese splash and yellow slip eyes, rare form, ear wear, 4"H.
18-32030, Signed PA Redware picture frame red, orange manganese splash decoration, 19th c. 6 1/2" . $775
18-32030, Signed PA Redware picture frame red, orange manganese splash decoration, 19th c. 6 1/2" .
2-10039x, PA Redware tart cup plate, yellow slip decoration. 1,495
2-10039x, PA Redware tart cup plate, yellow slip decoration.
28-18320, Rare American redware wall pocket molded raised relief foliage and bird, mid 19th century. $1,950
28-18320, Rare American redware wall pocket molded raised relief foliage and bird, mid 19th century.
15-24980, PA Redware pottery folk art figure of a seated dog, two tone manganese glaze, repair to ear. $2,950
15-24980, PA Redware pottery folk art figure of a seated dog, two tone manganese glaze, repair to ear.
16-26257, Exceptional redware bulbous ovoid jug, pour spout, incised ring two tone glaze. $4,450
16-26257, Exceptional redware bulbous ovoid jug, pour spout, incised ring two tone glaze.
24-11188, 6 in. PA Redware pie plate 3 color slip decoration, probably Berks Co., line. $3,950
24-11188, 6 in. PA Redware pie plate 3 color slip decoration, probably Berks Co., line.
30-20289, Redware flask incised flowers and Charles Joseph, April 5 1869, Indiana or PA, 6" H. $3,250
30-20289, Redware flask incised flowers and Charles Joseph, April 5 1869, Indiana or PA, 6" H.
15-25010, PA Redware pottery penny bank profile of Abe Lincoln, inscribed. $8,500
15-25010, PA Redware pottery penny bank profile of Abe Lincoln, inscribed.
24-10743x, 11" Redware pottery plate initialed in yellow slip design, Pro. CT, hairline. $795
24-10743x, 11" Redware pottery plate initialed in yellow slip design, Pro. CT, hairline.
27-15883x, Rare Redware form butter print, carved star flower design, PA, 1850-70, some loss. $3,250
27-15883x, Rare Redware form butter print, carved star flower design, PA, 1850-70, some loss.
14-23966, PA Redware saucer base fat lamp, rim nick. 4 1/2" high by 6" wide. $1,200
14-23966, PA Redware saucer base fat lamp, rim nick. 4 1/2" high by 6" wide.
20-7249x, Rare Redware pottery figural match safe, multi color glaze signed John Kunsman maker June 1, 1885, NJ. 4 1/2" high by 7" wide. $4,950.
20-7249x, Rare Redware pottery figural match safe, multi color glaze signed John Kunsman maker June 1, 1885, NJ. 4 1/2" high by 7" wide.
26-14173, Rare folk art PA Redware pottery profile of a woman, end of day piece, manganese glaze, 19th. 4"H. $2,400
26-14173, Rare folk art PA Redware pottery profile of a woman, end of day piece, manganese glaze, 19th. 4"H.
ZZ3-51243 Redware pottery penny bank. Rare molded monkey, finial relief, grape vine, found in and probably PA. 3rd quarter 19th century. 5 1/2"H
ZZ3-51504 Unusual Redware pottery jar with original lid. Overall yellow slip and brown manganese decoration. PA or MD. Finial chip. 7 1/2" x 6"L
19-34652 PA Redware pottery plate. Graphic yellow and brown slip decoration, Berks Co., tight hairline. 7 1/4"
ZZ3-51392 PA Redware pottery plate dated 1863. Yellow slip. Minor rim wear. 10"


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17-28244 Rare PA Redware pottery footed master salt. Crimped rim, fine dot splash black manganese decoration. Chips. 2"H x 3"W.



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27-15744x Rare miniature PA Redware pottery jar. Green ground, two-tone black manganese decoration. Berks Co.. Rim wear. 2 1/2"H x 2"W.



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27-16713 Miniature PA Redware pottery ovoid strap handle jug. Good form. 3"H x 3 1/2"W.



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Z-19783 Miniature PA Redware pottery. Ovoid tiny, handled jug. 19th century. 2 1/2"H x 3"W.



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ZZ3-50324 Tiny miniature PA Redware pottery bowl. Manganese decoration. 19th century. 1"H x 1 3/4"W.



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28-18725 Small Redware pottery. Footed salt, unusual green glaze. Found in Manheim, PA. 2"H x 2 1/2"W.



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Z-28582 Rare miniature Redware pottery bowl. Overall green slip glaze. Exceptional form. 1"H x 2"W.



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15-25019 Rare PA Redware pottery. Tiny miniature figural duck in basket, unique end of day gift. 3/4"H x 2"W.



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17-29971 Rare miniature PA Redware jug. Dated 1861. Yellow slip and manganese decoration. Base rim firing loss. 3 1/2"H x 3"W.



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ZZ3-50291 Unusual PA Redware pottery. Footed egg/salt cup. Dark manganese splash decoration. 19th century. 3"H x 2 1/2"W.



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ZZ4-52377 Redware pottery handled mush cup. Rare yellow and green slip decoration. PA or MD. Early-mid 19th century. 3 1/4"H x 4 1/2"W.



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18-32812 Rare PA Redware pottery. Match safe folk art figure of a standing bear. Two-tone glaze. 19th century. 6 1/2"H x 5"W.



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31-22251 Unusual Redware pottery. Hand molded figural pig. PA or OH. 19th century. 3"H x 3 1/2"W.



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ZZ3-50567 PA Redware pottery ovoid jar with lid. Folky manganese decoration. Two cracks and wear. 9"H x 6"W.



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ZZ3-51362 PA Redware pottery pitcher. Rare rope twist handle, incised manganese splash decoration. Two rim chips. 5 1/2"H x 5"W.



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ZZ4-53476 PA Redware pottery ink well. Manganese sponge decoration. 19th century. 2 1/2"H x 4"W.



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14-23737 9" PA Redware pottery plate. Unusual yellow slip decoration. Ex. Musselmarie.



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ZZ4-53480 Unusual PA Redware pottery bowl. Molded relief, graphic full black manganese decoration. 3"H x 6 1/2"W.



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ZZ3-51247 Unusual form Redware pottery. Small dish, yellow and green slip. Date 1835. Conn. or PA. 1/2"H x 4 1/2"W.



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ZZ3-51336 PA Redware pottery jar and lid. Full graphic manganese decoration. 8 1/2"H x 5 1/2"W.



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ZZ4-52412 PA Redware pottery. Slip cup, incised squiggle band. 19th century. 4"H x 3"L.


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